Spoiling Myself…

Well the new Nikon D810 arrived last week, but I’ve not had a chance to try it until yesterday. Not a particularly spectacular demonstration of it’s capabilities, as I was just getting used to the way it shoots.

These little fellows were curious, fast and exasperating to try and shoot handheld given the combined weight of the Tamron 150 – 600mm & the Nikon D810’s weight. Still I started to get used to the slightly relocated controls, the most difficult for me yesterday being the change of location for the ISO. It now sits upon the left control dial as a button on the top rather than the back of the camera. Additionally the exposure lock has and AF-on button quite close on the right, and I found myself seeking and hitting that rather than the exposure lock.

I was somewhat perturbed to find (not sure how I missed it in checking specifications pre-purchase) that the USB socket is ONLY a USB 3, there’s no Mini-USB 2 socket at all. This of course meant I was unable to use either my corded Remote Release, or it seems does it respond to my small wireless one. Fortunately I was relieved to find that my 3rd Party “Uber” Hahnel Giga T Pro II 2.4Ghz Wireless Timer Remote Control for Nikon has as one of the supplied cables the 10 pin cable that will connect to the appropriate socket and allows me to use it. It’s more likely to get the use anyway for future use. It was certainly a boon at $110 a while ago. Pricing the Nikon options proved rather frightening with the contenders $250 or $750. Say no more!

So for the rest of the week I’ll try to familiarise my self more with getting the hang of these relocated functions and hope that soon I won’t be noticing as much.

The Bonuses of Friendship…

After a combination of friends and family have commented about the watermark being moved to the centre, I’ve had my gut feeling reinforced that it should have been far more transparent. I’ve since changed its settings and replaced the photos on the blog with new copies with the updated watermark.

I know it’s somewhat early days to be worried about copyright infringement, but it’s a simple thing easily remedied and needs to be done. I must confess the change to the watermark was a hurried thing, and although it did “bother” me at the time I’d not sat back and thought much about why at the time.

Thanks to the friends and family (Hien, Stu & Byron) willing to go the extra step and provide positive critical but helpful feedback.

Rain Lovers…

Well it was great to get that Storm on Saturday even though I lost power for a few hours. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get the camera out in it for the most part, but there were scenes similar to this shot taken a while ago.

Through the Pane…

Not being one to appreciate over 26 degree temperatures, I’d much rather be looking at this outside my Study window again…

Looking Back…

I remember when I first bought this Sigma 50mm F1.4 lens, and was quite excited with the possibilities. I found this old shot from about 18 months ago taken while on a random walk. Quite nice for handheld which I learned was quite a challenge with this lens at the wide open apertures!

Back into the Archives…

Bit too hot here to be outside shooting, but it did encourage me to have a session of cleaning up the catalogue. Found a couple of early shots I quite like, and cleared out some I don’t consider worth keeping now. Looking at the early shots, there’s no doubt that more Mega Pixels helps when you are Macro Shooting and also want to crop it in a bit more after.

I’ve also chosen to move the watermark to the centre based on what I’ve seen on other sites, hopefully it’s not too distracting now that it’s in the centre.

Not a Teddy Bear Picnic…

One of the great things about living on a bush block is the wonderful critters that decide to just drop in a stay a day or two. A couple of times a year I get a Koala or two squatting for a few days. This evening I managed to get quite close to this one. I can’t yet tell the difference between the sexes, but she has either been mating, or he has been fighting!

Watch Out for the Clowns…

It’s amazing how even in a Spider it’s possible to imagine a human face…

I Spy with My Eight Eyes…

I just never cease to be fascinated by Spiders. They’re everywhere (well except the arctic & antarctic).

Lurking at the Dinner Table…

Well you just never know what the work in the Garden will stir up, but it’s always worth going to have a look for something.