Category: Furbags

Balmy Evening…

There’s no doubt that pets are a constant source of inspiration, and there’s nothing like a Furbag in the late spring or early summer evenings. Full of energy and curiosity.

Can I Go Out to Play with the Big Cat…

There’s a new Furbag in the house, Chemoux (pronounced Schmoo). She’s a dear little critter, and she and Tigga are starting to work it out. Chemoux’s clearly all good, but Tigga is taking a little longer. Still it’s coming along fairly well with at least a 15 minute play session that didn’t end in tears for anyone! I’m sure there’ll be more of Chemoux up here soon.

Early Morning Singer

This little fellow was out under the pergola for a while this morning until I moved him on into the trees again. Tiggakat was looking at him a little to closely for my liking, and potentially his survival. Anyway while saving his life I figured he should also make a contribution to the Fauna in my Library.